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  • 30% (Typ) smaller than competitors
  • Easily fits in a lifejacket
  • Retractable Antenna
  • 7-year battery life
  • 24+ hours of operational life
  • High brightness strobe light >1candela
  • 66 channel GPS receiver
  • Unique mounting clip

The rescueME PLB1 works with the only officially recognized worldwide dedicated search and rescue satellite network (operated by Cospas Sarsat). As this is funded by governments there are NO CHARGES to use this service. When activated the rescueME PLB1 transmits your position and your ID to a Rescue Coordination Center via satellite link. Rescue services nearest to you are promptly notified of your emergency and regularly advised of your current location to assist prompt rescue.

The rescueME PLB1 is provided with a flotation pouch to fit the PLB into to enable it to float. Please note that the PLB will not float in an operating position in the pouch. Please ensure the PLB is firmly attached to the pouch with the provided lanyard, using suitable self-locking knots.

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