
Bulk Cargo Survey

Service Delivered

Verification of quantity and quality of products loaded, discharged and transferred ship to ship.

Risk Mitigated

Client's safety net for operation.

MARPOL Surveys

Service Delivered

Noxious liquids supervision.

Risk Mitigated

As per MCA requirements, experienced surveyor to mange operation as per MARPOL.

Tank Cleaning Supervision and Waste Management

Service Delivered

Ensuring the job is carried out in a safe and efficient manner to client safety standards. Wet bulk waste(slops) Disposal, sampling and analysis.

Risk Mitigated

Client representative for operation ensuring safety, quantification, SG and where requested COD.

O&G On/Off Hires

Service Delivered

Pre and post hire quantification of fuel, water and lube oil onboard.

Risk Mitigated

Reduce risk of miscalculation of victuals recharged to client.

Fuel Quality Testing (PPM)

Service Delivered

Sampling as per MSF Standard or spot checks on moisture and bacteria.

Risk Mitigated

Ensuring figures delivered offshore are accurate.

Fuel Meter Calibration

Service Delivered

Verification that MGO meter is accurate.

Risk Mitigated

Ensuring figures delivered offshore are accurate.

Gas Free

Service Delivered

Verify confined spaces are fit for entry/hot work.

Risk Mitigated

Independent gas analysts to support safe access.

Supply Of Connections

Service Delivered

Supply of a range of common line connections for loading or discharging products.

Risk Mitigated

Stock available for sale or hire at short notice.